- Ordering and having the necessary studies conducted to asses the potential of hydrocarbon fossils in the Dominican Republic
- grant the prospecting permits and concessions to exploit hydrocarbons pursuant to the standards dictated on the subject (Art. 3, paragraphs M and N, Lax 100-13).
The National Hydrocarbon Database is the oil industry digital compendium and archive, in standard format, for all geological, geophysical and seismic information collected through hydrocarbons exploration and prospecting on Dominican soil and sea dating back to 1904.
Much of this information was scattered in different State entities and in private hands, not having been used adequately. Thanks to the endeavors of the Energy and Mines Ministry, arrangements were made with foreign academic institutions to make available a new set of information, which the State has seen and collected for the first time, and integrated to the National Hydrocarbon Database (BNDH, per its acronym in Spanish.
The website address allows the public free access, downloading and linking all of this information in a manner that stakeholders can adequately interpret and assess the potential of hydrocarbons in the Dominican Republic.
1,491 maps and drawings were incorporated to the BNDH, which include 805 seismic profiles, 212 well logs, 321 files/reports and 209 “9-track” and 3 “8-track” magnetic tapes that contain seismic lines in various regions of the country.
This information, as well as new 2D seismic information requested of study centers abroad has enabled the State to incorporate close to 21,500 km of 2D seismic information to the BNDH; which represents an approximate value of US$100,000,000, a cost the state, or new investors, would have had to bear in the event the seismic studies were undertaken from scratch in the corresponding regions. It is also import to value that having this data available and digitized allows to drive the development of the national oil industry.